The Abyss can refer to one of the following:
- The Abyss - another term for the Demonic Planes.[1]
- The Abyss - a part of the universe (i.e. the universe in which Titan resides), not taken up with the other Planes of Existence, in the sense that is used in Slaves of the Abyss.[2]
- ↑ Titan - The Fighting Fantasy World - ???
- ↑ Queries section of The Shrine of Hamaskis In this section the webmaster addressed the definition of "The Abyss" as used in the book Slaves of the Abyss. He wrote:
“ On the subject of the abyss, it looks to me like a bit of the universe in which Titan resides which was not taken up with the other planes of existence. You have to think in 5+ dimensions for this, but imagine the universe like a hypercylinder with the corporeal plane across the whole width at the "bottom", with the spirit. ethereal, magical, ..., planes "above" it and filling the cylinder, except for a "flat" (i.e. 4-dimensional) sliver of space at the side, where the planes are not quite flush with the edge of the universe. This is the space, with no prior structure on it, and outside the influence of the gods or anyone else in the universe proper, which could hold the abyss. ” According to the webmaster this was the response from the author of Slaves of the Abyss, Paul Mason: That, of course, was what I _meant_ to write, but the starveling wretch who functions as my secretary got it all wrong. That's less unhusked millet for you for the next month, scoundrel! I'll have to tighten his earclamps a bit too. "The above explanation clearly explains how the abyss could be both a place of incarceration or, to the right person, a source of extraordinary power."