The Spellbreaker was a title given to the hero of Spellbreaker, who had lived as a hired sword all his or her adult life, searching for adventure wherever it might be found across the Old World. For several years, the hero who would become the Spellbreaker had been considering returning to his or her native Ruddlestone to undertake a pilgrimage to Hallow's Well for the good of his or her soul.[1]
After sailing from Arkleton to Harabnab aboard a merchant ship, the Spellbreaker travelled on foot for two months before arriving at Rassin Abbey, where he or she unwittingly invited Nazek onto the holy site, allowing him to steal the Black Grimoire. The Spellbreaker set out to recover the tome and defeat Nazek,[2] eventually succeeding with the help of a number of allies and various tools and protections, including the Blessed Blade, Deliverer.[3] In doing so, he or she earned the title, the Spellbreaker.[4]
Unusually, the Spellbreaker began the adventure without any armour.[5]
The Spellbreaker may have taken part in other books, either before or afterwards.
See Also[]
- ↑ Spellbreaker - p.19
- ↑ Spellbreaker - 322
- ↑ Spellbreaker - 351
- ↑ Spellbreaker - 400
- ↑ Spellbreaker - p.15