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Old Time[]

Up to 1000 OT[]

  • 408 OT
  • 588 OT
    • Rebellion and flight underground of the elves of Viridel Kerithrion, who will eventually become the Dark Elves.
  • 600 OT
    • The Orc Wars are fought between Orcs led by the human sorcerers the "Dark Twins", seeking to steal secrets of Elven magic, and the wood elves led by King Glorien Thelemas, Lord of the Elven Council.
  • 766 OT

1001 OT - 1500 OT[]

  • 1446 OT (or 1464 OT)
    • Orjan the Builder died on Stormsday 31st of Winds and was succeeded by his son, Regulus the Unifier.[13]
  • 1480 OT
    • The first walls were completed around the town of Arion. The King of Arion then declared his seat a city.[14]

1501 OT - 1600 OT[]

  • 1510 OT
    • Around this time, a number of small trading towns in western Khul united to become the state of Klarash, under the rule of King Klarash Silverhair.[16]
  • 1530 OT
    • Vynheim was founded by the father of Bjorngrim Bjorngrimsson.[17]
  • 1542 OT
    • The River Swordflow received its name in this year, when an exploratory party from Klarash came under attack from a horde of Goblins while trying to ford it.[18]
  • 1565 OT
    • By this year, Klarash stretched from the southern edge of Scorpion Swamp in the north to the River Swordflow in the south.[19]
  • 1574 OT
    • The heirless ruler of Cares-town, King Cares Whitewolf, was poisoned following a split in the ruling council. After that, Cares-town was ruled by stewards until 1601 OT.[20]
  • 1583 OT
    • On the death of his father in this year, Bjorngrim Bjorngrimsso became Chief of Vynheim.[21]

1601 OT - 1700 OT[]

  • 1611 OT
  • 1690s OT

1701 OT - 1800 OT[]

  • 1774 OT
    • Farinas was a sorcerer who was executed in Carsepolis on Stormsday 1st of Dark.[35]

1801 OT - 1900 OT[]

  • 1887 OT
    • Carsepolis was struck by Plague on Highday 28th of Unlocking.[41]

1901 OT - 1998 OT[]

  • 1970 OT
    • Work on the Great Wall of Analand was stopped for good in this year, even though it was incomplete in three places.[45]
  • 1982 OT
    • Around this time, the wizard Shanzikuul and his Dark Elf followers were captured and killed by a "huge band of wildmen."[46]
  • 1993 OT
    • About this time, the last children of King Mauristat died, leaving the kingdom of Mauristatia without a legitimate ruler.[47]
  • 1998 OT

The End of Old Time and the Start of After Chaos[]

The year 1999 OT is also numbered 0 AC.[52] The year 1999 OT is also known as "Year One of the New Age".[53][54]

After Chaos[]

1 AC - 50 AC[]

51 AC - 100 AC[]

  • 81 AC
  • 99 AC
    • King Brendan the III (aka "Brendan the Great") becomes King of Arion after his parents are poisoned.[62]

101 AC - 150 AC[]

  • 124 AC
  • 144 AC
    • Razaak travels to the Flatlands and begins his study of dark magic.[66]
    • The Allansian Wizard Tulkinghorse developed Combat Magic.[67]

151 AC - 200 AC[]

  • 175 AC
  • 182 AC
    • Voivod, Warlord of the Apocalypse, reappears in the Old World along with his 5 Shadow Warriors. But before he can raise his army of the undead he is defeated by a lone hero wielding the Spear of Doom.[71]
  • 184 AC
    • Razaak attacks the rulers of Allansia with pestilence and disease after they refused to submit to his power. In response, the warrior Kull, armed with Razaak's own cursed sword, tracks the necromancer down and kills him.[66]
    • Around this time, the devastating Sculliweed Plague struck central Allansia.[73]
  • 199 AC
    • Lowa Ashfell, King of Buruna was born on 30th Days Lengthen (29th Warming).[77]
    • The Lizard Men of Fire Island rebel against Prince Twohorse over not receiving pay for six years. They overthrow Twohorse's rule, and a succession of Lizard Kings later rule the Island.[75]

201 AC - 210 AC[]

  • 201 AC
    • On Earthday 14th of Freeze, a Gold Rush started in the Icefinger Mountains in northern Allansia.[78]
    • Prince Twohorse is overthrown and murdered by a pirate captain named Daggerface. Daggerface becomes the new ruler of Port Blacksand, which has abandoned its old name of "Blacksands Town".[75]

211 AC - 220 AC[]

  • 216 AC
    • On the third day of Locking, two months after the burial of the Necromage Cadaver, the Great Bell began to toll again in Myrton in Ruddlestone, a portent of doom for the village.[83]
  • 219 AC
    • Colletus the Holy-man was born on Windsday 3rd of Locking.[85]

221 AC - 230 AC[]

  • 223 AC
    • Varek Azzur was born on 7th Birds Chatter (appropriate being Rageday in Khul, and Stormsday, on the 7th of the month Winds in Allansia) into this noble House of Azzur in Arion.[86]

231 AC - 240 AC[]

  • 231 AC
    • King Salamon LVI, the predecessor and, presumably, the father of King Salamon LVII, died on Earthday 15th of Sowing.[89]

241 AC - 250 AC[]

  • 243 AC
  • 244 AC
    • Lord Falashti of Arion was born on 26th Skies in Darkness (25th Dark).[96]

251 AC - 260 AC[]

261 AC - 270 AC[]

  • 266 AC
    • Around this period, Voloidon Carsak escapes from the Caarth and is rescued by a Warpstone trader, who brings Carsak to Salamonis. Here Carsak gives previously unknown information on the Caarth empire to scholars.[107]
  • 267 AC
  • 268 AC
    • On Windsday 28th of Winds, Borof, head of the Port Blacksand City Guard, was executed for fairness, a trait not highly esteemed in that debauched city.[109]
    • Prince Farrion of Sardath was born on Stormday 14th of Warming.[110]

271 AC - 280 AC[]

  • 274 AC
    • Seaday, 21st Watching: Baron Sukumvit opens Deathtrap Dungeon on his 40th birthday.[114]
    • In the autumn of this year, the city of Arion was struck by a mysterious plague that lasted until the spring of the following year. The story of the plague is told in the book Curse of the Gods? by Palia Tuvon.[115]
  • 278 AC
    • The Siege of Vymorna began on Windsday 12th of Dark.[119]
    • The Temple to Kukulak in Port Blacksand's Temple District was established on Moonsday 20th of Sowing.[120]
  • 279 AC
    • On Windsday 10th of Locking, Drogo Widemouth crept into Lord Varek Azzur's bedchamber and spied Azzur's face. He was soon silenced (on Seaday 11th of Locking), with an arm bearing his tattoo being found in the gutter outside the headquarters of the Thieves' Guild and his hand (identified by the rings) being pulled out of the Catfish River.[121]
  • 280 AC
    • There was rioting in Alkemis following a doubling of the citizens' tax on Highday 9th of Winds.[122]

281 AC - 290 AC[]


  1. The Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook - 80
  2. The Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook - 36
  3. The Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook - 50
  4. The Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook - 132
  5. Atlantis I - All Things Old by Graham Bottley. Arion Games, 2017.
  6. The Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook - 100
  7. Titan - The Fighting Fantasy World - 32-33/58-62
  8. The Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook - 186
  9. The Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook - 137
  10. Blacksand! - 116-117
  11. Titan - The Fighting Fantasy World - 36/68; The Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook - 66
  12. "A History of Mauristatia" by Otto Öviszódi in The Warlock Returns Issue 2, (pg. 25).
  13. The Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook - 104; Titan - The Fighting Fantasy World - 36/68 gives the date as 1464 OT
  14. Travels in Arion, pg. 11
  15. Titan - The Fighting Fantasy World - 36/68
  16. Titan - The Fighting Fantasy World - 33/62, 38/73
  17. Titan - The Fighting Fantasy World - 33/62
  18. Titan - The Fighting Fantasy World - 38/73
  19. Titan - The Fighting Fantasy World - 38/73
  20. Blacksand! - 117
  21. Titan - The Fighting Fantasy World - 33/62
  22. Titan - The Fighting Fantasy World - 34/65
  23. Titan - The Fighting Fantasy World - 34/64; Blacksand! - 117; note that the The Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook (99) gives the year as 1661 OT, which appears to be an error.
  24. The Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook - 188; note that the location is here spelt "Shabek", which is presumed to be a variant of Shabak
  25. Titan - The Fighting Fantasy World - 38/74
  26. Titan - The Fighting Fantasy World - 34/64; Blacksand! - 117
  27. The Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook - 218
  28. Titan - The Fighting Fantasy World - 35/66
  29. The Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook - 183
  30. Titan - The Fighting Fantasy World - 35/66; The Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook - 196
  31. The Warlock of Firetop Mountain, Advanced Fighting Fantasy – The Roleplaying Game , pg. 13
  32. Titan - The Fighting Fantasy World - 37/70
  33. Blacksand! - 117-8
  34. The Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook - 154
  35. The Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook - 46; note that the text actually dates this as 1774 AC, which is clearly an error, since AC did not start until after the destruction of Carsepolis and under three centuries of this new age are recorded in Fighting Fantasy canon.
  36. Titan - The Fighting Fantasy World - 34/65
  37. Titan - The Fighting Fantasy World - 37/70; Knights of Doom - 91
  38. The Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook - 168
  39. Moonrunner - para 200
  40. The Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook - 67
  41. The Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook - 69
  42. The Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook - 149
  43. The Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook - 121
  44. Blacksand! , p. 118
  45. Titan - The Fighting Fantasy World - 37/71
  46. Master of Chaos - p. 28
  47. "A History of Mauristatia" by Otto Öviszódi in The Warlock Returns Issue 3, (pg. 25).
  48. Titan - The Fighting Fantasy World - 40/78
  49. Blacksand - pg. 32
  50. Night of the Necromancer - para 153.
  51. Titan - The Fighting Fantasy World - 42/85
  52. Blacksand! - 118
  53. Titan - The Fighting Fantasy World - (p.42)
  54. Travels in Arion - 11-12
  55. The Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook - 220
  56. Travels in Arion - 11
  57. The Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook - 150
  58. The Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook - 79
  59. The Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook - 185
  60. The Keep of the Lich-Lord - p. 18
  61. The Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook - 165
  62. Travels in Arion - 13
  63. The Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook - 148
  64. The Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook - 48
  65. The Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook - 151
  66. 66.0 66.1 Crypt of the Sorcerer - "Background", pp. 18-23
  67. Combat Companion - pg. 29
  68. The Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook - 121
  69. Titan - The Fighting Fantasy World - 44/88; The Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook - 196
  70. Howl of the Werewolf - para 210, 328
  71. Legend of the Shadow Warriors - Note: the date is extrapolated from p.24 the first line.
  72. Moonrunner - "Welcome to the Badlands".
  73. The Titan Herbal , p. 59
  74. Knights of Doom - 230
  75. 75.0 75.1 75.2 Blacksand - pp. 32-33
  76. Travels in Arion, pg. 7
  77. The Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook - 122
  78. The Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook - 32
  79. Vault of the Vampire - para. 205
  80. The Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook - 221
  81. The Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook - 118
  82. The Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook - 62
  83. Knights of Doom - 215
  84. Titan - The Fighting Fantasy World - p. 114
  85. The Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook - 215
  86. The Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook - 97
  87. The Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook - 166
  88. The Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook - 68
  89. The Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook - 82
  90. The Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook - 153
  91. Knights of Doom - para. 9
  92. The Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook - 120
  93. The Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook - 170
  94. The Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook - 138
  95. The Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook - 182
  96. The Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook - 52
  97. The Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook - 132
  98. The Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook - 189
  99. The Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook - 86
  100. Titan - The Fighting Fantasy World - pg. 86
  101. The Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook - 156
  102. The Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook - 185
  103. The Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook - 82
  104. The Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook - 35
  105. The Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook - 80
  106. Dungeoneer - p. 44
  107. Titan - The Fighting Fantasy World - pg. 86
  108. The Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook - 30
  109. The Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook - 103
  110. The Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook - 118
  111. The Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook - 70
  112. The Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook - 203
  113. "Legend has it that some twelve years ago, the Archmage of Mampang fought and slew a mighty Hydra which dwelt in the caves of High Xamen..." The Seven Serpents - para. 150
  114. The Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook - 153
  115. "For the Bookworms" by Adrian Kennelly, in The Warlock Returns Issue 1, (pg. 24).
  116. The Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook - 167
  117. The Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook - 30
  118. The Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook - 187
  119. The Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook - 49
  120. The Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook - 84
  121. The Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook - 217
  122. The Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook - 97
  123. Legend of the Shadow Warriors - Background; The Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook - 95
  124. The Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook - 116
  125. Travels in Arion - 14
  126. The Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook - 152
  127. The Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook - 200
  128. Deathtrap Dungeon - Background, 400; Titan - The Fighting Fantasy World - 104/242-243; Trial of Champions - Background
  129. The Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook - 152
  130. The Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook - 135
  131. The Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook - 101
  132. The Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook - 131
  133. The Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook - 136
  134. The Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook - 137
  135. Titan - The Fighting Fantasy World - pp.9/11, 42/85, 49/104, 114/266; note that on page 114/266 Titan a man born in 222 AC would now be sixty-two years old, meaning that it was written after that man's birthday... the same example is used in The Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook - p. 12, where the birthday is given as the 7th of Fire, implying that Titan may have been written in the second half of the year.
  136. Dungeoneer - pgs 40-41
  137. Bloodbones - p.12-13

Categpry:Atlantis Campaign Entries
