For a list of Fighting Fantasy gamebooks published by Wizard Books, see Fighting Fantasy Gamebooks (Wizard)
For a list of Fighting Fantasy gamebooks published by Puffin Books, see Fighting Fantasy Gamebooks (Puffin)

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This is a list of the Fighting Fantasy gamebooks that were original publications by Wizard Books. In other words they were not republished versions of titles from the Puffin Books series, but brand new to the range.

"Series 1"[]

Series 11
No. Title Author(s) Illustrator Cover illustrator Map illustrator Published
21 Eye of the Dragon Ian Livingstone Martin McKenna Martin McKenna NO MAP 07-Apr-2005
26 Bloodbones Jonathan Green Tony Hough Martin McKenna Jonathan Green 07-Sep-2006
29 Howl of the Werewolf Jonathan Green Martin McKenna Martin McKenna NO MAP 06-Sep-2007


  1. Wizard Books published each book in "Series 1" in two styles. The first style was a limited run of Special Limited Edition versions, followed by Standard Editions.

"Series 2"[]

Series 2
No. Title Author(s) Illustrator Cover illustrator Map illustrator Published
4 Stormslayer Jonathan Green Stephen Player Stephen Player NO MAP 03-Sep-2009
8 Night of the Necromancer Jonathan Green Martin McKenna Martin McKenna NO MAP 01-Apr-2010
Blood of the Zombies Ian Livingstone Kevin Crossley Greg Staples NO MAP 02-Aug-2012

See Also[]

