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Wolftown was a town on the southern edge of the Flatlands in central eastern Allansia.[1]


There was a roadway from Chalice to Wolftown through Trolltooth Pass, travelled by traders. [2] There was also a road between Wolftown and Warpstone with a few villages on this road, although the road itself was "rarely used". [3]

The land around Wolftown consisted of plains, with shrubs and trees growing on them. A number of abandoned dungeons and mines were located near the town.[4]

Wolftown had a courtroom, presided over by a magistrate, and a Guild of Magicians, based at a Guildhouse in the town. The sorcerer Galthazzeth was formerly a member of this Guild before he was expelled for going too far in the creation of Magical Crossbreeds.[5]

The town maintained a militia.[6]

Near Wolftown, to the east, lay the town of Hadnar.[7]


Wolftown fell to bandits on Windsday 24th of Locking, 209AC.[8]

Notable Inhabitants[]




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